Why Do Some Pickleball Paddles Have Holes?

Yes, they have holes in them! The new Aero Powershot and Aero Proshot from Oneshot Pickleball are the first of their kind. The holes, or air vents, are meant to reduce drag to make the paddles easier to maneuver.

What pickleball paddle has a hole in it?

Selkirk notably released the highest priced pickleball paddle at $333, which features an open throat. This pickleball paddle—called Project 002—is the first of its kind with a hole in the throat of the pickleball paddle.

What makes a pickleball paddle legal?

Paddle Shape According to the rules, the combined length and width, including any edge guard and butt cap, cannot exceed 24 inches and the paddle length cannot exceed 17 inches.

How do you know when a pickleball paddle is worn out?

Is it time to replace my pickleball paddle? Dead spots in the sweet spot, though not visible, can make the paddle feel and sound different than it did when it was new. If your paddle has more texture and you depend on the spin, the erosion of the grit may also warrant a new paddle.

What is a dead pickleball paddle?

A “dead” pickleball paddle is one that is not playing to its manufactured capabilities. A dead pickleball paddle can be caused by a break, crack, dent, worn down surface, or use (or overuse) for the lifespan of the paddle.

Are recess pickleball paddles good?

Recess is another pickleball gear company making high quality paddles with great design. Several of their paddles are approved for USA Pickleball tournaments, including the Clarksville, and are made with a 0.53″ thick honeycomb interior.

Do pickleball paddles lose their pop?

Usage: Unless you are playing with wood, most paddles will lose their optimal response within a year. The paddle may still be good for play, but just not be as responsive as it was when it was new.

Do all Pickleballs have holes?

Most outdoor balls have 40 holes, indoor balls usually have 26 although there is no set number for indoor vs. outdoor balls. Some are made with a different number of holes, like the P7 that has 32. The hole spacing and ball design must be done so the ball flies straight.

What shape pickleball paddle is best?

Wide Body — this is the most popular pickleball paddle shape and has a generous sweet spot. Oversized — Smaller, but has a more powerful sweet spot. Tear Drop — balanced, and comparable to racquet sport paddles. Standard — longer handle, more torque. Impact — increases reach and maximizes baseline power.

Is a heavier or lighter pickleball paddle better?

A lighter paddle gives you more control but less drive. Conversely, a heavier paddle gives you less control but more power and drive. Perhaps most importantly, a heavier paddle can cause elbow strain and fatigue in your arm. You may want to start with a paddle that is not too heavy until you build up more strength.