Which Pickleball Do You Use Outside?

Smooth plastic is the normal option when it comes to outdoor pickleballs. They also have a specific number of holes – 40 are drilled into each ball. The idea is that the ball has a heavier weight and therefore can withstand the wind when playing outdoors more than the indoor ball will manage.

How do you tell the difference between an indoor and outdoor pickleball?

You’ll notice the holes are a little larger than an outdoor ball and there are fewer holes all together. If you closely examine them, you’ll also notice indoor balls are softer, lighter, and a little less bouncy. Meaning you have a bit more control and can play around with more powerful shots.

Is there is difference between indoor and outdoor pickleball rackets?

With the lighter and softer plastic, often indoor pickleballs can not be slammed as hard and typically, lead to longer rallies! With the lack of elements, indoor pickleballs will also have a much longer lifespan on the court.

What color are outdoor pickle balls?

The most widely used color for outdoor pickleball balls is (bright) yellow, closely followed by orange and white. This is because yellow is the best color for varying lighting conditions one may encounter while playing outdoor pickleball. The only rule is they must be uniform in color.

Is graphite or fiberglass pickleball better?

If you want a true power paddle, then you’ll look for a thinner poly core with a fiberglass face. If you want a true control paddle, then you’ll look for a thicker poly core with a carbon fiber or graphite face. It can be good to mix control and power elements together.

What is the difference between pickleballs?

Indoor pickleballs usually have more textures than outdoor models, which allows for better spin. Additionally, they have longer rallies and they’re slightly smaller and lighter in weight. An indoor pickleball won’t crack very easily like an outdoor ball.

Do outdoor pickleballs have more or less holes?

Outdoor pickleballs have 40 holes, whereas indoor pickleballs can, at a minimum, have 26 holes. The holes in outdoor pickleballs are usually smaller than those found in indoor pickleballs. The number of holes found in a pickleball is your clearest indicator of what type of court it should be used on.

What color are indoor pickleballs?

Typically, pickleball comes in yellow, neon, orange or white colors. Most people choose the brightest neon color.

What color pickleball is easiest?

Many players tell us the red is easiest to see when playing indoors, so give them a try if the standard colors have given you trouble. They have the same gentle feel and high bounce as the popular Jugs Indoor Pickleballs, so you won’t be missing out on quality.

Do I want a lightweight or midweight pickleball paddle?

Because a Lightweight paddle gives you quicker hand speed and a Midweight paddles give you more power, many players choose to use a Lightweight paddle for doubles and a Midweight paddle for singles.