How High Is Pickleball Net?

The height of a pickleball net is regulated to ensure consistency across all courts. According to the official rules set by the USA Pickleball Association (USAPA) and the International Federation of Pickleball (IFP), the net height should be as follows:

At the sidelines: The top edge of the net should be 36 inches (91.44 cm) high above the ground at the sidelines. This is where the net is attached to the posts.

At the center: The top edge of the net should be 34 inches (86.36 cm) high above the ground at the center of the court. This is achieved by using a center strap to slightly lower the middle of the net compared to the sides.

To ensure accurate net height, use a measuring tape to verify the measurements at both the sidelines and the center of the court. Adjust the net as needed to meet the required heights.