Can You Play Indoor Pickleball With Outdoor Balls?

One of the unique things about pickleball is that you can use different balls depending on if you are playing the game indoors or outdoors. While you can always use the same pickleball paddle, there are specific indoor pickleballs and outdoor pickleballs (even though you can use either!).

Do indoor or outdoor pickleballs have more holes?

Outdoor pickleballs have 40 holes, whereas indoor pickleballs can, at a minimum, have 26 holes. The holes in outdoor pickleballs are usually smaller than those found in indoor pickleballs. The number of holes found in a pickleball is your clearest indicator of what type of court it should be used on.

What ball do you use for indoor pickleball?

The Jugs pickleball is mostly used for indoor play. Jugs are made of soft plastic and have big holes and a fun bounce. The Jugs ball weighs . 85 ounces.

What’s the difference in pickleball balls?

What is the difference between indoor and outdoor pickleball balls? Indoor pickleball balls are meant to be played indoors and are thus lighter, softer, and quieter. They have fewer holes drilled into them and are easier to control. Their outdoor counterparts are generally heavier, durable, and better for power shots.

What happens if you use an outdoor ball inside?

You can take an outdoor ball into an indoor court, though. You might not get the highest quality shots and ball control, but your ball will withstand the court just fine.

Can I use my inside ball for outside?

DON’T use these expensive balls outside as they will wear down much quicker than a ball designed to be outside.

Is graphite or fiberglass better for pickleball?

If you want a true power paddle, then you’ll look for a thinner poly core with a fiberglass face. If you want a true control paddle, then you’ll look for a thicker poly core with a carbon fiber or graphite face. It can be good to mix control and power elements together.

What color pickleball is best for indoor play?

Many players tell us the red is easiest to see when playing indoors, so give them a try if the standard colors have given you trouble. They have the same gentle feel and high bounce as the popular Jugs Indoor Pickleballs, so you won’t be missing out on quality.

Is carbon fiber or graphite better for pickleball?

Carbon fiber is incredibly stiff. And this stiffness makes carbon fiber the ultimate material for the facings of pickleball paddles because it gives you incredible control over where your ball goes.

What ball do you use for outdoor pickleball?

Outdoor pickleball balls are heavier, harder, made of smooth plastic and have 40 drilled holes. Due to their weight and construction, outdoor pickleballs are less effected by wind. Outdoor pickleballs come off the paddle faster and harder than indoor balls. They are easier to hit hard due to having less drag.