Can Pickleball Help With Weight Loss?

According to previously mentioned research, people burn an average of 350 calories per hour of pickleball play. Because you need an overall calorie deficit for weight loss to occur, pickleball can certainly be a part of a weight loss plan.

How many calories are burned in pickleball?

“250 calories in 30 minutes for casual play if you weigh 150 pounds, 335 calories if you weigh 200 pounds. If you play more aggressively, then you can burn approximately 360 calories in 30 minutes if you weigh 150 pounds, 475 calories in if you weigh 200 pounds.”

Is pickleball a good workout?

The peer-reviewed study, published in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, suggests that pickleball can provide a moderate workout for middle-aged or older people. But they would need to play as much as 4.5 hours a week to meet recommended exercise guidelines.

How many calories do you burn playing doubles pickleball for an hour?

Calories Burned in Doubles Pickleball In a doubles pickleball match, you can burn between 250 and 350 calories an hour, depending on weight and activity.

Is pickleball better than walking?

But pickleball is still a great workout. In a 2016 study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 12 middle-aged players burned 40% more calories during a 30-minute pickleball game than during 30 minutes of walking, increasing their heart rates to within the moderate-intensity exercise zone.

How many days a week should I play pickleball?

As a general goal, aim for at least 30 minutes of some form of physical activity every day. It’s recommended to play pickleball no more than three times a week to allow your body enough time to rest between each session.

What are 3 benefits about playing pickleball?

It offers aerobic exercise, giving players the chance to move around on the court at any level of intensity they’d like. Since pickleball moves at a slower pace than tennis, it’s easier on the joints while also improving balance, coordination and agility.

Is pickleball considered cardio?

Racket sports boost the cardiovascular system which helps prevent many of the unwanted problems of older age like hypertension, stroke and heart attack. Pickleball gives you a good aerobic workout without as much stress and strain on joints and muscles, as mentioned above.

How long should you play pickleball?

Considering these rules, the average single game of pickleball–regardless of whether it is a singles or doubles game–usually lasts between 15 and 25 minutes. This represents the average amount of time for one team to reach 11 points, or whichever amount of points is required by the game.

Is it OK to play pickleball everyday?

If you know you’re getting addictive, then you might be playing too much pickleball. You need a rest from pickleball, a rest from everyday life, and sleep. Sleep is important. Getting your seven hours is essential for both your pickleball play on the court and your life off the court.