Are You Ever Allowed To Enter The Kitchen In Pickleball?

The kitchen is a designated area on the pickleball court that extends 7 feet on either side of the net. It is marked by a line on the court, and players are not allowed to hit the ball into the kitchen. If a player hits the ball into the kitchen, it is considered a fault and the opposing team receives a point.

The purpose of the kitchen is to prevent players from hitting soft, low shots that are difficult for their opponents to reach. By prohibiting these types of shots, the kitchen helps to make the game more fast-paced and energetic. It also encourages players to hit the ball over the net and into the opposing team’s court, rather than trying to manipulate the ball into the kitchen.

Are You Ever Allowed to Enter the Kitchen in Pickleball?

According to the official rules of pickleball, players are not allowed to enter the kitchen at any time. This means that they are not allowed to cross the line marking the edge of the kitchen, even if they are trying to retrieve a ball that has landed in the kitchen. If a player touches the ball while they are in the kitchen, it is considered a fault and the opposing team receives a point.

There are some exceptions to this rule. For example, if a player accidentally steps into the kitchen while attempting to retrieve a ball, it is not considered a fault as long as the player does not touch the ball while in the kitchen. Similarly, if a player hits the ball into the kitchen and it bounces back into their court, they are allowed to hit the ball as long as they do not touch the ball while in the kitchen.


In pickleball, players are not allowed to enter the kitchen at any time. The kitchen is a designated area on either side of the net that extends 7 feet from the net and is marked by a line on the court. Players are not allowed to hit the ball into the kitchen or touch the ball while in the kitchen, as it is considered a fault. There are some exceptions to this rule, such as if a player accidentally steps into the kitchen while attempting to retrieve a ball or if the ball bounces back into their court after hitting the kitchen.