Are Pickleball Shoes The Same As Tennis Shoes?

Pickleball and tennis are both racquet sports that involve a lot of lateral movement, footwork, and quick changes of direction. As a result, shoes designed for these sports need to provide good traction, stability, and support to help players perform at their best. But are pickleball shoes the same as tennis shoes? Here’s what you need to know.

Differences Between Pickleball and Tennis Shoes

While pickleball and tennis shoes share some similarities, there are also some key differences to consider.

Sole Design: One of the main differences between pickleball and tennis shoes is the design of the sole. Pickleball shoes typically have a flatter, wider sole with more surface area in contact with the ground. This helps players get better traction and stability on the court, which is especially important for pickleball because it’s played on a smaller court than tennis. Tennis shoes, on the other hand, often have a narrower, more curved sole that’s designed for the larger, hard court surfaces typically used in tennis.

Cushioning: Another difference between pickleball and tennis shoes is the amount of cushioning they offer. Pickleball shoes tend to have more cushioning in the heel and forefoot to absorb shock and provide comfort during long matches. Tennis shoes, on the other hand, often have less cushioning to allow for quicker, more agile footwork.

Upper Material: The material used in the upper part of the shoe can also vary between pickleball and tennis shoes. Pickleball shoes tend to have more breathable, lightweight materials that help keep feet cool and comfortable during play. Tennis shoes may have more durable, supportive materials to withstand the rigors of a longer match on a hard court.

Are Pickleball Shoes Necessary for Pickleball?

While pickleball shoes are designed specifically for the sport, it’s not absolutely necessary to wear them when playing pickleball. Many players find that a good pair of tennis shoes or even cross-training shoes can work well for pickleball, especially if they already own a pair and are just starting out in the sport.

However, pickleball shoes do offer some specific benefits that can make them worth considering. For example, the flatter, wider sole and extra cushioning can help improve traction and comfort on the court, which can be especially beneficial for players with foot or joint issues. Additionally, the lightweight, breathable materials used in pickleball shoes can help keep feet cool and dry during long matches, which can help prevent blisters and other foot-related issues.


In summary, pickleball shoes are not the same as tennis shoes, but they can be a good choice for players looking for extra traction, cushioning, and support on the court. While it’s not absolutely necessary to wear pickleball shoes, they can provide some specific benefits that can help improve performance and comfort during play. Ultimately, the right shoe choice will depend on the individual player’s needs and preferences, as well as the type of court surface they’re playing on.