Are Gloves Allowed In Pickleball?

One question that often comes up among pickleball players is whether or not gloves are allowed in the sport. The short answer is that gloves are generally allowed in pickleball, but there are a few considerations to keep in mind.

Rule Variations

One thing to keep in mind is that the rules for pickleball can vary slightly depending on the organization or league you are playing in. Some organizations or leagues may have specific rules about the use of gloves in pickleball, while others may not have any specific rules on the subject.

For example, the USAPA (USA Pickleball Association) does not have any rules specifically prohibiting the use of gloves in pickleball. However, the USAPA does have general rules about the type of clothing and equipment that is allowed in the sport. These rules state that players should not wear clothing or use equipment that is dangerous or potentially harmful to other players.

This means that, in general, gloves are allowed in pickleball as long as they are not considered dangerous or potentially harmful to other players. However, it is always a good idea to check with the specific rules of the organization or league you are playing in to make sure that you are following the correct guidelines.

Benefits of Using Gloves

There are several reasons why some pickleball players choose to wear gloves while playing. One of the main benefits of gloves is that they can help to improve grip and control on the paddle. This can be especially helpful for players who have difficulty gripping the paddle due to sweaty hands or other factors.

Gloves can also help to reduce hand fatigue, which can be an issue for players who play pickleball for long periods of time. This can be especially beneficial for players who have arthritis or other hand conditions that may make gripping the paddle more difficult.

In addition, some players find that gloves can help to reduce the risk of blisters and other hand injuries that can be caused by the constant gripping and swinging of the paddle.

Drawbacks of Using Gloves

While there are several benefits to using gloves in pickleball, there are also a few drawbacks to consider. One potential issue with gloves is that they can make it more difficult to feel the paddle and the ball, which can impact your ability to control and finesse your shots.

Another potential issue with gloves is that they can make it more difficult to sweat, which can lead to overheating and discomfort during hot weather or long matches.

Finally, some players simply prefer the feel of playing without gloves and may find that they are more comfortable and able to perform better without them.


In conclusion, gloves are generally allowed in pickleball, but it is always a good idea to check with the specific rules of the organization or league you are playing in to make sure that you are following the correct guidelines. While gloves can offer some benefits, such as improved grip and reduced hand fatigue, they can also have some drawbacks, such as reduced feel and difficulty sweating. Ultimately, whether or not to wear gloves in pickleball is a personal decision that will depend on your individual preferences and needs.